IBRI issues its digital and print 2018 Annual Report, “Discovery With Purpose”

April 04, 2019

Diabetes, biopharmaceutical research and health data analytics research expanded

Indianapolis, April 4, 2019 – The Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI) today announced the release of its print and digital 2018 Annual Report. The report theme is “Discovery With Purpose,” which is also the IBRI’s motto as it reflects the Institute’s commitment to translating scientific discovery into improved outcomes for patients.

“Last year, the IBRI significantly expanded its research capabilities and broadened its collaborations with life sciences companies and research universities, and that momentum is continuing in 2019” said Rainer Fischer, Ph.D., IBRI chief executive officer and chief scientific and innovation officer. “Our print and online annual report provide our diverse stakeholders with a source of rich information to see and understand how we are helping patients in Indiana and around the world, while bolstering the state economy at the same time.”

The report details how the IBRI has expanded and intensified its focus on slowing and stopping diabetes with the establishment of the IBRI Diabetes Center (IDC), which is poised to become a central Indiana nexus for advanced diabetes research. The IDC is conducting research on sweet taste and obesity, and the center includes the Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence (LDCE), a partnership with Eli Lilly and Company and Indiana University School of Medicine. The IDC also includes the IBRI’s Regenerative Medicine and Metabolic Biology (RMMB) group.

The report also shows how the IBRI’s Applied Data Sciences Center (ADSC) is leveraging the vast amounts of electronic health records available and cleaning and integrating the data, making it ready for analysis and research by industry and academic partners. Data analytics and machine learning by the ADSC enable better identification and prediction of diseases and infections, especially for public health applications.

The report also illustrates how the IBRI’s newly created Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Center (PBC) is working to develop new vaccines and antibodies for human and animal health.

The online, interactive annual report can be accessed at:  https://www.indianabiosciences.org/annualreport2018/overview/. A PDF of the print version can also be downloaded from the site at: https://www.indianabiosciences.org/UserFiles/File/IBRI_2018_Annual_Report.pdf. To receive a print copy in the mail, please e-mail your name and street address to: media@indianabiosciences.org.

About the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute

The Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI) is a non-profit, independent applied research institute formed in 2013 in Indianapolis. The IBRI exists to bring together companies and universities to work collaboratively on interrelated health issues that are of both global significance and have a disproportionate impact on Indiana residents—diabetes, metabolic disease and poor nutrition, and related health data science and analytics. Our motto is Discovery With Purpose, reflecting our commitment to the translation of scientific discovery into improved outcomes. More at:  http://indianabiosciences.org

For more information, visit https://www.indianabiosciences.org/annualreport2018/overview/

Mark Craft Executive Director, Engagement, Communications and External Affairs IBRI mcraft@indianabiosciences.org 317-670-2270